Feeling secure about the success of your wound management and hyperbaric program doesn't stop with the financial side of operations.  Preeminent healthcare teams reduce infection rates, put checks in place to prevent mistakes, and ensure strong lines of communication between hospital staff, patients and families.  However, did you know that a Medicare patient has a 1 in 4 chance of experiencing some type of injury, harm or death when admitted to a hospital?*

Patient safety, while not a new topic, has recently experienced a renewed sense of urgency in public health discourse, as evident in the 2018 development of the Quality and Safety Review System (QSRS); formerly known as theMedicare Patient Safety Monitoring System (MPSMS), a national surveillance project aimed at identifying the rates of specific adverse events within the Medicare population.

As with all medical treatments, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy includes medical risks and possible side-effects.  Most are related to the unique aspects of HBOT, such as significant and relatively rapid changes in pressure inside the chamber and the high percentage (100%) of oxygen used.  Most are relatively mild and self-limited, but some can be severe and even life-threatening.

C+ Consulting has a proven record of reducing hyperbaric-related incidents through the use of incident monitoring, safety calls and orientation/competency training for hundreds of hyperbaric technicians.  The following packaged service options can provide your Wound Management Center with the reassurance that they are working in a safe environment, complying with regulatory guidelines and that the staff has the training required for the safe and effective operation of the hyperbaric chambers. 

* Statistics as cited by the Leapfrog Group, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization that puts out twice-yearly hospital safety scores, rating the nation’s medical centers on such factors as the number of medical errors, injuries, accidents and infections.

HBOT Safety Inspection Packages:

Compliance with hyperbaric safety regulations is critical for ensuring patient and staff security, addressing safety concerns and minimizing company liability.  Essential elements of a safety program, as recognized by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) accreditation program, will be evaluated by a trained and experienced inspector from C+ Consulting.


A. Services provided will include two (2) onsite visits - - one to conduct the initial inspection and a followup inspection six (6) months later to determine if recommendations from initial inspection have been implemented and are producing desirable results. Followup includes a written report outlining inspection findings and recommendations as well as electronic support (telephone and/or email) for any queries related to the inspection findings, for a period of ninety (90) days after each site visit.

B. Services provided will only include one (1) onsite visit, written report and followup to include electronic support (telephone and/or email) for any queries related to the inspection findings, for a period of ninety (90) days after the inspection has been completed.

Both packages incorporate and provide a review of the following elements:    

  • HBOT operational policies and procedures.

  • HBOT emergency protocols.

  • Chamber operator skills checklists and annual competencies.

  • Forms/Tools utilized during the course of an HBOT treatment (such as the chamber treatment record), including patient risk assessment/contraindication tools.

  • Process for determining which items are “Approved/Not Approved” for in-chamber use.

  • Chamber maintenance and startup/shutdown records.

  • Patient education material as it relates to HBOT operations.

  • Physical space housing the hyperbaric chambers.

  • Chamber state of readiness and condition.

  • HBOT Quality Improvement and Risk Management activities.

=============================================================================Ongoing electronic support (email and/or telephonic) is also available for both package options at an additional cost to address any questions related to safety concerns, such as items allowed in the chamber environment, etc. - - this service will be provided for a one (1) year period with unlimited queries and support. =============================================================================

HBOT Chamber Operator Training Package:

The Joint Commission (TJC) and Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) have long held strict requirements for staff training and competencies with regards to the operation of medical devices.  C+ Consulting has the expertise to provide training for the safe and effective operation of the Company's (Hospital) hyperbaric chambers (monoplace only) ensuring compliance with TJC, UHMS and any hospital requirements. 

The Monoplace Hyperbaric chamber operator training package incorporates and provides:

  • One (1) onsite visit (three business days) to conduct chamber operations training.

  • Completion of a Chamber Operator Orientation and Skills Competency Checklist which deems the staff trainee as competent to operate the chamber(s), but only under supervision of a trained and competent operator.

  • Completion of a Chamber Operator Qualification Workbook which deems the staff trainee as competent to operate the chamber with no restrictions.

  • Completion of any Company (hospital) required competencies, as allowed

Followup provided will include associated orientation and competency paperwork (as provided by the Consultant and/or Company) identifying completion status and telephonic/electronic support for queries related to chamber operations, for a 90-day period after the training completion date.